Sterilizing (spaying/neutering) animals is the most humane and effective way to address animal overpopulation and mitigate related suffering.
Hay muchos beneficios al elegir esterilizar o castrar a su mascota. Es la mejor forma humana de abordar la superpoblación, que en última instancia hace que los animales sufran hambre y enfermedades.
Las mascotas esterilizadas generalmente pierden la urgencia de deambular fuera de casa, lo que evita lesiones por peleas, ser atropelladas por un automóvil o estar expuestas a enfermedades.
La esterilización y castración de su mascota disminuye el riesgo de contraer diferentes tipos de cáncer, como CTVT .
¡Prolongue la vida de su mascota y esterilícela o castrada! Únase a nuestra causa y traiga a su mascota (o patrocine una!). A una de nuestras próximas clínicas de esterilización.
Cada mes, contratamos a un equipo de veterinarios de renombre ( Aprovet Nicaragua ) para que vengan a San Juan del Sur a realizar operaciones de esterilización.
El costo de SOS Animales es de $ 25 por animal, que pagamos con donaciones de nuestros generosos patrocinadores. Cobramos a los dueños de mascotas 200 córdobas por estas cirugías porque muchas personas no pueden pagar los $ 25 y nuestro objetivo es hacer que la salud animal sea accesible para todos.
Si desea pagar por un animal local en una próxima clínica, visite nuestra página de Donaciones .
Si desea ser voluntario para una próxima clínica, contáctenos en nuestra página de Voluntarios .
¡Gracias por apoyar nuestra causa!
Though we try our best to prevent unwanted pregnancies, there continues to be dozens of unwanted litters born every month. In most cases, the owners of these accidentally bred puppies just gift the puppies away to friends or neighbors, often when they are only a couple weeks old and always without sterilizing them first. We have created a program of intervention to help these puppies get a strong start to life, and also to help break the cycle by ensuring they are sterilized.
Sometimes pregnant or nursing mothers of poor families are reported to us by the family themselves or by neighbors; other times our community team finds these dogs when they are doing community work. If the family agrees to our program, then we supply food for the mama dog while she is pregnant and nursing. The family must keep the puppies for a minimum of 6 weeks; after this point, they are brought to our clinic where they remain until they are adopted into a responsible family. The mama dog is then sterilized for free. While the puppies are in our care they receive all of their vaccinations and any other medical attention they may need.
This program is very expensive. Each individual puppy costs us about $80 in food and medications. We hope that this program will make a difference in the lives of dogs here over time, but we need your help to keep it going!
San Juan del Sur, and similar communities, have a problem with out of control feral cat populations. One female cat can birth more than 180 kittens in her lifetime. Many of these unwanted kittens end up being poisoned, drowned, or thrown away in a plastic bag. We find a litter of kittens in the garbage almost every week. The most effective and humane way to control the cat population in any area is through sterilization. Every week, we trap, sterilize, and re-release healthy feral cats.
If you have noticed an abundance of feral cats in your neighborhood, you can message us and we can make that spot a focus area for sterilization. After operating, we hold cats for at least 24 hours to make sure they are stable and fully awake before releasing them. Kittens that are young enough to be domesticated are kept in our clinic and put up for adoption. Get in touch with us if you would like help sterilizing the cats in your neighborhood.